Belarus Update February 2022

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had wonderful winter holidays and started the new year in a blessed way. By having faith in Christ, we can look into the future with confidence. Thank you that you continue to pray for us and help us. Your support is tremendously important to us.

I joyfully would like to give you a short overview of our exciting news. We held a Christmas celebration at our church and had a lot of visitors. I am sending you some pictures. We started our church school that meets once every two months. Our church members were thrilled about this idea. Despite the political pressure and risks, we have more people attending our church and we see how God gives people hope amid the bad news. Unfortunately, last week a new law came into force that threatens 2 years in jail for meeting as an unregistered organization. Our church still can’t acquire the necessary registration. But by God’s grace we continue to meet. However, we are optimistic about the new year and believe that the Lord will help us to reach new people and be their encouragement and support. We started working towards developing new leaders and ministers. As a result, we will be able to accomplish more as a church.

Please pray for:

  • The opportunity to have services

  • For the people who got baptized and their spiritual growth

  • For the new people who attend our church services

  • For the freedom for our country.

Please share your needs with us and we will be happy to pray for you!

—Slave Kanavalchyk


Kazakhstan Update February 2022


Eurasia Partners Network Update from Rick & Terri Amos